workout of the day

Saturday 170520


2017 Regional Event 4

For time:
60-ft. handstand walk
10 toes-to-bars
10 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
12 toes-to-bars
12 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
14 toes-to-bars
14 double kettlebell deadlifts
60-ft. handstand walk
16 toes-to-bars
16 double kettlebell deadlifts

Kettlebells should be heavy. If you don’t have heavy kettlebells or dumbbells, use 2 barbells.

Post time to comments.

Related content:
CrossFit WOD 170520 With Adrian Bozman
The Handstand Walk
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar

Carol-Ann Reason-Thibault, East Regional leader after Day 1.